Association of Texas Professional Educators

At Teach the Vote, a project of the Association of Texas Professional Educators, Texas voters can research the education stances of candidates for the State Board of Education and the Texas Legislature. You won't find endorsements, but you will find solid information from Texas' preeminent educators' association. Use this information to select the candidates you believe will make public education their top priority.


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Read the Teach the Vote advocacy blog for the latest Texas public education news, as well as in-depth analysis from ATPE lobbyists.

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Advocacy Central

Make your voice heard by sending lawmakers messages through Advocacy Central, ATPE's member-only grassroots advocacy platform.

Legislative Program
Legislative Program

Read our official positions on education issues as written by ATPE members and adopted annually by our House of Delegates.

Our Mission

Public schools touch every Texan's life. Our children attend these schools. Our tax dollars fund them. And our future depends on their success.

It's time for every Texan to understand what educators have long known: Our choices at the polls become realities in the classroom. It's time for educators to Teach the Vote.

Our Mission

Public schools touch every Texan's life. Our children attend these schools. Our tax dollars fund them. And our future depends on their success.

It's time for every Texan to understand what educators have long known: Our choices at the polls become realities in the classroom. It's time for educators to Teach the Vote.

Stay Informed

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Teach the Vote’s Week in Review: Sept. 20, 2024


Lots of news to report this week, including Senate Education and House Pensions interim hearings, SBEC and TRS board meetings, and activity at the federal level on Social Security reform.

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Senate Education Committee holds interim meeting


TEA Commissioner Morath calls for cellphone bans and STAAR test changes; ATPE submits testimony on accountability system, school safety funding, and historic increase in uncertified teachers.

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SBEC holds two-day meeting to tackle teacher pedagogy standards, special education certification


ATPE testifies on proposed disciplinary changes related to solicitation and grooming, as well as the use of OER and HQIM over other materials.

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