November 2013
November 2013

ATPE statement regarding SBOE vote on graduation requirements
Date Posted: 11/22/2013
ATPE statement regarding SBOE vote on graduation requirements

KVUE interviews ATPE's Monty Exter on requiring Algebra II for graduation
Date Posted: 11/21/2013
KVUE interviews ATPE's Monty Exter on requiring Algebra II for graduation

ATPE testifies before state board on requiring Algebra II for high school graduation
Date Posted: 11/20/2013
ATPE testifies before state board on requiring Algebra II for high school graduation

Aycock named 2013 Texas Public Schools Friend of the Year
Date Posted: 11/15/2013
Aycock named 2013 Texas Public Schools Friend of the Year

Tenn. student speaks out against testing-driven curriculum, pay-for-performance
Date Posted: 11/15/2013
Tenn. student speaks out against testing-driven curriculum, pay-for-performance

Voters approve all nine proposed constitutional amendments
Date Posted: 11/06/2013
Voters approve all nine proposed constitutional amendments