House Public Education Committee takes up House Bill 5

Date Posted: 2/20/2013 | Author: Jennifer Mitchell, CAE
The House Public Education Committee met yesterday and took up House Bill (HB) 5 by Committee Chairman Rep. Jimmie Don Aycock (R–Killeen). Here is a “one-pager” on the bill. A slew of invited and public witnesses testified in favor of the bill, which calls for reducing the amount of standardized testing required for graduation and granting students and local districts more flexibility in setting curriculum requirements. Among the topics witnesses discussed were:
- How testing requirements are taking away instructional days and strangling the learning experience for students, and
- How students are often required to take courses that don’t fit their career path.

House committee hearing on vouchers lasts nearly 24 hours
ATPE testified at the House Public Education Committee’s hearing on House Bill 3, which began Tuesday morning and ended Wednesday morning.

Senate Education K-16 Committee Hears Special Education Bills
ATPE provided testimony on SB 57 and SB 568 at the committee’s March 11 hearing.

Comparing the House and Senate voucher plans
Although not identical, both SB 2 and HB 3 would provide Gov. Greg Abbott the voucher program his donors are expecting him to deliver.