Education committees set to consider several bills Tuesday

Date Posted: 3/04/2013 | Author: Jennifer Mitchell, CAE
The next Senate Education Committee meeting begins at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow. Several controversial bills are scheduled to be heard, including a bill that would allow private school vouchers for students with disabilities, a bill that clarifies teachers' discretion in assigning grades to students, a bill permitting private school students to participate in most UIL activities and a bill relating to instruction on human sexuality. View the complete schedule and read more about the bills here. The House Public Education committee will meet tomorrow at 2 p.m. or upon adjournment of the full House. View the full agenda here.

House committee hearing on vouchers lasts nearly 24 hours
ATPE testified at the House Public Education Committee’s hearing on House Bill 3, which began Tuesday morning and ended Wednesday morning.

Senate Education K-16 Committee Hears Special Education Bills
ATPE provided testimony on SB 57 and SB 568 at the committee’s March 11 hearing.

Comparing the House and Senate voucher plans
Although not identical, both SB 2 and HB 3 would provide Gov. Greg Abbott the voucher program his donors are expecting him to deliver.