May 2013
May 2013

A brief rundown of the 83rd legislative session
Date Posted: 5/28/2013
A brief rundown of the 83rd legislative session

A closer look at testing bills approved by the Legislature
Date Posted: 5/28/2013
A closer look at testing bills approved by the Legislature

Are you following Teach the Vote on Twitter?
Date Posted: 5/27/2013
Are you following Teach the Vote on Twitter?

Ask your legislators to vote “no” on SB 2
Date Posted: 5/24/2013
Ask your legislators to vote “no” on SB 2

Controversial "Achievement School District" bill dies on a technicality
Date Posted: 5/22/2013
Controversial "Achievement School District" bill dies on a technicality

"Achievement School District" proposal is resurrected
Date Posted: 5/22/2013
"Achievement School District" proposal is resurrected

A look at some education-related House bills already passed by the Legislature
Date Posted: 5/22/2013
A look at some education-related House bills already passed by the Legislature

A look at some education-related Senate bills already passed by the Legislature
Date Posted: 5/22/2013
A look at some education-related Senate bills already passed by the Legislature

ACTION ALERT: Urge your Representative to oppose SB 1718
Date Posted: 5/20/2013
ACTION ALERT: Urge your Representative to oppose SB 1718

A refresher on deadlines during this last week of the regular session
Date Posted: 5/20/2013
A refresher on deadlines during this last week of the regular session

TRS bill set for hearing on the House floor today
Date Posted: 5/17/2013
TRS bill set for hearing on the House floor today

Comprehensive charter school bill advances
Date Posted: 5/17/2013
Comprehensive charter school bill advances

TRS bill moves forward on a frenetic Friday
Date Posted: 5/17/2013
TRS bill moves forward on a frenetic Friday

Video update on Senate approval of TRS changes
Date Posted: 5/09/2013
Video update on Senate approval of TRS changes

House approves business tax cut rather than funding education
Date Posted: 5/08/2013
House approves business tax cut rather than funding education

New TRS proposal to be voted on in Senate as early as today
Date Posted: 5/03/2013
New TRS proposal to be voted on in Senate as early as today