Ratliff says response to CSCOPE hearing underwhelming

Date Posted: 9/11/2013 | Author: Jennifer Mitchell, CAE
The public tiff between Sen. Dan Patrick (R–Houston) and State Board of Education (SBOE) member Thomas Ratliff over the use of CSCOPE continued this week when Ratliff announced that public response to an SBOE hearing on the subject was far from overwhelming. CSCOPE is an online curriculum management tool used by many Texas public schools. Patrick lead an effort to cease production of CSCOPE lessons and is using the issue to drum up attention prior to election season. Patrick's Senate Bill (SB) 1406, approved during the last legislative session, requires SBOE to conduct the same review process for CSCOPE as it does for other instructional materials. That process includes a public hearing, which will take place this Friday, Sept. 13. In his "Cry Wolf" press release, Ratliff states, "Given all of the legislative attention, outrageous claims, and heated rhetoric, you might assume that hundreds, or even thousands, of concerned parents would come to Austin to testify about this 'controversial' curriculum. As of the filing deadline yesterday, there were a grand total of eight people signed up to testify, and not all of them are opposed to CSCOPE lessons." Patrick has yet to respond. Teach the Vote will be on hand for the hearing. Stay tuned for updates.

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Comparing the House and Senate voucher plans
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