Teach the Vote's Week in Review: Aug. 26, 2016

Date Posted: 8/26/2016 | Author: Jennifer Mitchell, CAE
Here's a look at some stories that made news this week in the world of Texas education:

Texas lawmakers involved in the biennial budget-writing process are starting to look more closely at education funding as the 85th legislative session approaches. ATPE Lobbyist Josh Sanderson and ATPE Political Involvement Coordinator Edwin Ortiz attended a meeting this week of the House Appropriations Committee's Subcommittee on Article III, which oversees the education portion of the state budget. Wednesday's hearing was a discussion of an interim charge dealing with public education programs that are funded outside the Foundation School Program (FSP). Learn more about the hearing in our blog post from yesterday.


House committee hearing on vouchers lasts nearly 24 hours
ATPE testified at the House Public Education Committee’s hearing on House Bill 3, which began Tuesday morning and ended Wednesday morning.

Senate Education K-16 Committee Hears Special Education Bills
ATPE provided testimony on SB 57 and SB 568 at the committee’s March 11 hearing.

Comparing the House and Senate voucher plans
Although not identical, both SB 2 and HB 3 would provide Gov. Greg Abbott the voucher program his donors are expecting him to deliver.