A message from the Coalition for Public Schools

Date Posted: 2/26/2016
Dear Friends,
As I’m sure you all know, election season is upon us. Early voting in Texas is taking place through Friday, February 26th and Election Day will be this coming Tuesday, March 1st .
The Coalition for Public Schools would like to remind you to go vote for candidates that will support our neighborhood, public schools and the 5.2 million children that attend them.
With most of the races being determined in the primary elections in Texas, your vote is critical to ensuring that our public school children have what they need to be successful.
And please urge all educators to vote! We cannot imagine a better example for schoolchildren then to see their teacher proudly wear that sticker, “I’ve voted!” More information can be found at www.texaseducatorsvote.com
Again, we urge you to go vote this coming Tuesday, March 1st. You can find out where to vote at: https://www.votetexas.gov/voting/where/ .
Find out more about the Coalition for Public Schools at www.coalitionforpublicschools.org
Charles Luke, Ed.D.,
Coalition for Public Schools
ATPE is a proud member of the Coalition for Public Schools.

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