Teach the Vote's Week in Review: Feb. 19, 2016

Date Posted: 2/19/2016 | Author: Jennifer Mitchell, CAE
We're four days into early voting for the 2016 primaries, and turnout has been high in districts with contested races. The big question to be answered is "Who's doing the voting?" Educators need to head to the polls in large numbers and help elect pro-public education candidates. Read more about the election and other stories making news this week:
Early voting continues through Friday, Feb. 26. Election day is March 1.
ATPE and Teach the Vote offer a number of resources to help voters get to the polls and support candidates who will support public education.
- Wondering if you have to vote for candidates from the same party? Do you know where to go vote? Get answers to frequently asked questions about primary voting here in our "Things You Should Know..." post.
- Be prepared to answer ballot propositions that will appear on your primary ballot. These measures will shape the platforms of the Republican and Democratic parties, and one proposition is aimed at taking away educators' right to use payroll deduction for their voluntary professional membership dues. Get informed by reading our recent blog post and be prepared to stand up for educators when you cast your vote on these ballot propositions.
- Find out which candidates have earned the coveted endorsement of a major parent group that helps ATPE fight private school vouchers and works to elect candidates who support local control, adequate and equitable school funding, and effective accountability systems.
- We can't emphasize enough that educators need to get out and vote now, because numerous races will be decided by the primaries. Educators cannot afford to wait until November to make their voices heard. Find out if you live in a district where the winner will be chosen now instead of in November.
- Follow @TeachtheVote and @TXEducatorsVote on Twitter for timely election updates now through March 1 and beyond.
ATPE State President Cory Colby shows off his brand new "I Voted" sticker! Visit ATPE's Facebook page to view pictures of our members getting out to the polls during early voting. You can be featured, too! Send your "I Voted" selfies to ATPE via Facebook.
- Most of all, make sure you have learned where your candidates stand on public education. Click on the 2016 Races button now to search for candidates and view their voting records, responses to the ATPE candidate survey, and more.

Today, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) released accreditation statuses for school districts and charter schools for the 2015-16 school year. Accreditation statuses reflect both academic and financial accountability measures, along with additional factors. TEA reported that 97 percent of the state's 1,205 school districts and charters received a full "Accredited" status. TEA noted that 13 school districts and 5 charter schools received an Accredited-Warned status, indicating academic or financial problems that need to be addressed. There are four school districts with an Accredited-Probation status for 2015-16; those districts have shown deficiencies over multiple years. Six school districts received a "Not Accredited-Revoked" status for 2015-16; some of those remain pending while appeals are pursued. The 2015-16 accreditation status for each school district and charter school can be found on the TEA website. TEA also announced on Wednesday that it has launched a new website aimed at providing free and instant resources for educators, students and parents to use in enhancing classroom instruction. To learn more about the Texas Gateway or explore the available resources, visit Texasgateway.org. Read our full story on the post here.

Don't forget about these opportunities next week to sit down with others in your community to talk about education.

Don't forget to get out this weekend and VOTE!

House committee hearing on vouchers lasts nearly 24 hours
ATPE testified at the House Public Education Committee’s hearing on House Bill 3, which began Tuesday morning and ended Wednesday morning.

Senate Education K-16 Committee Hears Special Education Bills
ATPE provided testimony on SB 57 and SB 568 at the committee’s March 11 hearing.

Comparing the House and Senate voucher plans
Although not identical, both SB 2 and HB 3 would provide Gov. Greg Abbott the voucher program his donors are expecting him to deliver.