Teach the Vote's Week in Review: May 7, 2021

Texas Legislature Curriculum | Instruction Privatization | Vouchers Testing | Accountability
Date Posted: 5/07/2021
With key session deadlines only days away, the action at the Texas State Capitol has intensified and emotions are running high. Catch up on the latest developments from the ATPE Governmental Relations team:
- Education bills fluctuate erratically in Texas House
- Texas Senate approves special education voucher bill
- House Public Education Committee holds multiple hearings and repeat votes
- Senate Education Committee hears another voucher bill
- ATPE members are urged to use Advocacy Central to contact their legislators
TEXAS HOUSE: It has been an eventful week in the Texas House, which continues to hear bills today and through the weekend. Legislation is subject to the following fast-approaching deadlines in the House: Monday, May 10, is the last day for House committees to report out House bills, moving them along to the Calendars committee, and Thursday, May 13, is the last day for the full House to consider House bills on second reading. Senate bills have a little more time to be considered in the House.
Here are some of the latest updates on House action on various education-related bills, including several that ATPE opposes:
- House Bill (HB) 547 by Frank (R-Wichita Falls) would allow home-school students to participate in UIL activities without requiring them to meet the same educational standards as public school students. Originally set on the House calendar for a floor debate May 5, the bill was sent back to the House Public Education Committee after a procedural error was identified and a point of order raised. The bill was then narrowly approved by the committee Thursday morning (7Y-6N). The bill must now be set on a House calendar again in order to be considered by the full House ahead of the deadlines. The Senate Education committee heard the companion to this bill, Senate Bill (SB) 491, this week. Read more about that hearing below.
- HB 1348 by Deshotel (D-Beaumont) would strip oversight of charter schools by local officials, which is essential because charter schools do not have locally elected school boards. The bill initially failed to pass the Texas House (72N/66Y), was reconsidered, and was postponed by Deshotel to June 27, 2021, effectively killing the bill. However, a Senate companion version of this bill was heard by the Senate Education Committee this week.
- HB 3270 by Dutton (D-Houston) would significantly change the public school accountability system and increase the ability of the appointed education commissioner to take over schools. Furthermore, the bill is based on the experience of one campus in Houston ISD yet would have statewide implications. Late Thursday night, Rep. Alma Allen successfully raised a point of order on HB 3270 based on a finding that the bill violated a House rule, effectively killing the measure. However, the House Public Education Committee quickly scheduled a Friday morning meeting to vote on the Senate companion to the bill, SB 1365. The bill initially failed with a vote of 6Y-7N (Lozano, Allen, Allison, Bernal, González, Meza, Talarico). The committee reconvened at noon Friday to take yet another vote on SB 1365, this time voting to approve the measure with 7Y-5N-1PNV. (Vice-chairman Lozano changed his vote to “present-not-voting” and Rep. Allison changed his vote to a “yes” on the final attempt.)
- HB 3610 by Gervin-Hawkins (D-San Antonio) would create a new tax exemption for any property leased or purchased by a charter school. The bill was voted down by the full House on Thursday (76N/66Y). However, the bill was reconsidered on Friday morning. An initial roll-call vote showed the bill being defeated again, but a vote verification shifted the numbers, especially after some members changed their votes, and HB 3610 passed the House by a single-vote margin (68Y/67N). HB 3610 must be voted on one more time on third reading before heading to the Senate.
- HB 3979 by Toth (R-Conroe) would circumvent the established State Board of Education (SBOE) process for determining curriculum standards, while also dictating teachers’ pedagogical practices. The bill was originally set on the House calendar for Tuesday, May 4, but was sent back to the House Public Education Committee due to a procedural error that needed to be fixed. The bill was then again approved by the committee but now awaits placement on the House calendar. The Senate has already approved a companion version of this bill.
- HB 3731 by Dutton (D-Houston) is another ATPE-opposed bill that was on today’s calendar inthe House. The bill makes several changes to the state’s “A through F” accountability rating system for schools, including treating D-rated schools as failing in some instances. Remarkably, the House approved the measure on second reading without taking a record vote after adding two floor amendments to the bill. The bill will have to be voted on again on third reading before it will head to the Senate.

The full Senate also approved SB 1590 by Bettencourt (R-Houston) this week. The bill would allow educator preparation programs (EPPs) to implement virtual observations of educator candidates. ATPE supported a floor amendment by Sen. Seliger (R-Amarillo) that aims to protect the rigor of educator preparation by allowing for a hybrid approach in which EPPs can use virtual observation methods so long as the majority of observations are still done in person.
The Senate has until May 26 to consider all bills and joint resolutions.
The House Public Education (HPE) Committee met Tuesday to take testimony on bills, as well as four other times this week to take votes on pending bills. On Monday, the committee voted to advance several bills, including the ATPE-opposed HB 3979 by Toth (R-Conroe), which places restrictions on teachers of social studies and related subjects. As noted above, the bill had been on the House calendar for a floor vote, but a procedural error forced it back to the HPE committee for a re-vote. Read more about the bills approved on Monday in this blog post by ATPE Lobbyist Andrea Chevalier.

On Thursday morning, HPE once again voted to advance HB 547 (mentioned above). On Friday morning, HPE reconsidered a committee substitute for SB 29, ultimately approving the bill, as well as SB 1365, which failed to pass. Midday Friday, the committee reconvened and voted yet again on SB 1365, this time approving the bill (see above), as well as unanimously approving SB 1267, and ATPE-supported bill that aims to streamline professional development requirements.
HPE committee staff sent word Friday that the committee, unconventionally, will no longer hold public hearings on remaining bills. The committee will instead hold formal meetings without testimony to vote on pending bills already heard and any other bills referred to the committee (including bills coming over from the Senate). At this time, there is no posted agenda for the committee next week.

The Senate Education Committee also voted this week to approve an ATPE-supported bill that would remove the expiration date on students’ ability to utilize the Individual Graduation Committees (IGC) law. The committee also heard another bill that would shield charter schools from voter oversight and accountability. Read more about Tuesday’s committee meeting in this blog post from Wiggins.


Teach the Vote’s Week in Review: March 7, 2025
House Public Education tackles school finance/educator pay testimony this week and schedules vouchers for next Tuesday.

Texas DOGE Committee holds first hearing
TEA, TRS among agencies questioned by committee members.

House Public Education Committee hears testimony on school finance bill over two hearing days
ATPE’s testimony primarily focused on the bill’s educator pay provisions.
This is a CRITICAL time in the session. Please reach out to your elected officials.