Teach the Vote's Week in Review: Aug. 19, 2022

Texas Legislature Congress | Federal COVID-19 Elections Curriculum | Instruction TEA | Commissioner | SBOE Privatization | Vouchers School Safety Educator Compensation | Benefits Testing | Accountability
Date Posted: 8/19/2022
The ATPE Governmental Relations team recaps the past week’s education news, legislative and election updates, and regulatory developments.
- A-F ratings reflect dramatic collaboration to overcome learning disruptions
- Legislature: "In God We Trust” posters appear in schools under new law, and a legislator steps down
- Media: ATPE contributes to news coverage on teacher shortages and school safety
- IRS increases tax deduction for school supplies
- Book battles continue in Texas school districts
- Upcoming education forums for lieutenant governor candidates
- Fall 2022 ATPE News is online now
- Vote for ATPE’s session in the SXSW EDU Panel Picker
A-F: The Texas Education Agency (TEA) released the latest school accountability ratings Monday. Public school districts and campuses are rated on an A-through-F scale each year. Because of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Legislature passed a bill in 2021 calling for schools to be labeled with A, B, or C grades only, or be shown as “Not Rated,” rather than assigned D or F ratings.

LEGISLATURE: Posters bearing the phrase “In God We Trust” are popping up in school buildings across Texas as a result of the passage of Senate Bill (SB) 797 by state Sen. Bryan Hughes (R-Mineola) during the 2021 legislative session. The bill went into effect last year and requires each school to display in a prominent

Retiring state Rep. James White (R-Hillister) formally resigned from the Legislature this week, leaving a vacancy in the chairmanship of the House Committee on Homeland Security and Public Safety. The committee’s purview includes addressing topics such as mass violence and has met multiple times in the wake of the Uvalde school shooting. White ran unsuccessfully for Texas Agriculture Commissioner earlier this year.

ATPE’s Shannon Holmes spoke to Austin’s KVUE News about school safety initiatives affecting Central Texas schools. In the extended news feature, Holmes spoke favorably of school security audits but added that lawmakers and policymakers must continue to look for ways to “make our campuses secure but welcoming to students."
IRS: Save your receipts, even for your classroom Lysol wipes! The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced this week that teachers can now deduct $300 of out-of-pocket classroom expenses for 2022. The original limit of $250 was set 20 years ago in 2002, which is equivalent to over $400 in 2022 dollars due to inflation. The IRS stated it would increase the $300 limit in $50 increments in future years based on inflation adjustments.

Related: A recent study found that Texas teachers spend more out of their own pockets for classroom supplies than teachers in any other state. The Houston Chronicle reported on the findings here, including a prediction that our state’s teachers collectively will spend about $298 million on school supplies this year.

The school library debate, combined with allegations of critical race theory and indoctrination, is fueling the push for private school vouchers among some politicians. Read more in this reporting by The Texas Tribune.
FORUMS: The group Pastors for Texas Children is hosting two upcoming events in which the Republican and Democratic nominees for lieutenant governor — incumbent Dan Patrick (R) and repeat challenger Mike Collier (D) — are invited to discuss public education issues. The first forum is scheduled for Aug. 24 in Lubbock, followed by another forum in Amarillo on the 25th. Both events will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., and registration info can be found here.

SXSW EDU: ATPE has proposed a session entitled “Politics, the Public, and the Public Educator” for SXSW EDU in March 2023. You can help shape the agenda for the major education conference by voting for your favorite session proposals in the SXSW PanelPicker. The deadline to vote is Sunday, Aug. 21. Read more about our proposal and how to vote here.

Congress | Federal, COVID-19, Curriculum | Instruction, Educator Compensation | Benefits, Educator Preparation | Certification, Elections, School Finance, School Safety, Testing | Accountability, Texas Legislature
Teach the Vote’s Week in Review: Aug. 4, 2023
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Elections, Miscellaneous, TEA | Commissioner | SBOE, Testing | Accountability, Texas Legislature
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House committee hearing on vouchers lasts nearly 24 hours
ATPE testified at the House Public Education Committee’s hearing on House Bill 3, which began Tuesday morning and ended Wednesday morning.
Please continue to fight for a TRS COLA. It is embarrassing that we are the only state without one. With the current inflation rate we will see retired teachers w physical impairments who should not have to work having to get jobs to make ends meet. The past 20 years have been with very little inflation. This should be a top priority for ATPE.
Texas Education Code section 21.404 guarantees each classroom teacher a planning period. Specifically, each classroom teacher is entitled to at least 450 minutes within each two-week period for instructional preparation including parent-teacher conferences, evaluating students’ work, and planning. A planning period may not be less than 45 minutes within the instructional day. During a planning period, a classroom teacher may not be required to participate in any other activity. Tex. Educ. Code § 21.404.
Can the extra time for planning (PLC’s) be used for the principal to require teachers to have more of a workload? Can teachers be required to have lunch duty, giving up their own lunch time?